Vero Beach Tax and Accounting News
Frank J. Schlitt, Jr. Partner
Offutt Barton Schlitt, LLC, has welcomed Frank J. Schlitt, Jr., CPA, CFF, as a partner. Frank joined the firm in 2013 and is part of the firm’s accounting services, forensic, tax and business consulting practice. Frank received his...
True Ups on Business Sale/Acquisition
True Ups on Business Sale/Acquisition Every business sale/acquisition has various “true ups” that occur, usually handled as working capital adjustments. A recent article written by James A. Beindorf, CPA, CVA, CFF, discusses adjustments professionals need to be...

Special Briefing on the Tax Policies of the Presidential Candidates
As our presidential election nears, questions arise on how each presidential candidate’s views on tax policies differ. See the link below for a reference guide: Tax Policies of 2016 Major Presidential Candidates Offutt Barton Schlitt LLC, is not endorsing or...
IRS Scam Phone Calls May Be Alarming
There has been an increase recently in scam voicemails or phone calls from persons claiming to be from the IRS. The calls are mentioning warrants for the arrest of the taxpayers, back taxes due and other frightening tax complications. The IRS continues to warn the...
Offutt Barton Schlitt receives award from Indian River Chamber of Commerce
Offutt Barton Schlitt receives an Architectural Recognition Award from the Indian River Chamber of Commerce at a luncheon held to celebrate the achievements of local companies. The Chamber’s Industry Appreciation Event recognizes local businesses that stimulate the...
Mid-Year Tax Records Clean Up
As we round the corner into fall, it's a good time to start thinking about records you will need for next year's taxes. Certain expenses that are eligible for tax credits or deductions are often concentrated in the summer months. See details at the IRS link below:...